Road to school

Providing schoolchildren from low-income families with free study materials before the start of the school year. More…

We are together

Distribute boxes of free food to families in need. More…

Gift a life

The project is aimed at providing medical care to sick children aged 0 to 15 years. More…

Give care

This project aims to organize the best day for children from an orphanage and disadvantaged families. More…


Distribution of free clothing and household items to low-income families. More…

Educated generation

Additional free education for schoolchildren of 6-11 grades from low-income families. More…

Payment method

Donation Amount

Type of payment

Purpose of payment

Contact details

Props for transferring donations

Public fund «Atadan Miras»
BIN: 111140000573
Bank: АО «Халық банк»
IIK: KZ756017231000004546
KNP: 119
Kbe: 18

Payment purpose: charity donation

Order envelopes

Using this form, you can order Envelopes of Mercy. Fund employee will call you and bring envelopes.


“Envelopes of Mercy” are distributed by Foundation employees and volunteers among those who want to join the good work. Having received such an envelope, you find in it a description of the needs for which money is collected. If there is a desire, you put there the amount you consider necessary, seal the envelope and hand it over to the person who handed it to you.

The Foundation volunteer brings envelopes with donations to the foundation office, where on an approved day, the foundation commission prints envelopes and registers the amounts in accordance with the envelope numbers in a special journal. Then the total amount is deposited into the account of the Atadan Miras Public Foundation.

How do we protect a project from fraud at any level? The Fund’s office maintains a strict registration record of all outgoing and incoming “Envelopes of Mercy”. Each envelope has its own unique number (the same number has a special voucher that remains with the donor) and the blue seal of the Foundation. We completely trust people who can distribute our “Envelopes of Mercy”. But if you have any doubts, you can contact us and, calling the number of your letter, find out how much has come in your envelope. You can also be a volunteer who is present at the seizure.




The work of a charitable organization is impossible without the support of volunteers. An important project of the Atadan Miras Foundation is the creation of a volunteer community, which will include people who are not indifferent to social problems, children with cerebral palsy and their families.